2017-09-29 (Friday)

Today, I learned that:

In the current edition of the Science show from Radio National in Australia, I heard a word that I cannot recall having heard for more than 40 years. It was maybe the most common word that our teacher “Vektor-Pelle” used during the lectures in calculus.

The word is INFINITESIMAL, and in case you have never heard of it, it is exactly the opposite of infinity. While infinity is so big that we cannot even imagine it, infinitesimal is the smallest positive number possible, and still not 0. More of this interesting phenomenon can be found in reference # 1 below.

And while we are discussing words, for a person like me, utterly interested in words in different languages, tomorrow is the International Translation Day, see reference #2 below. Congratulations to my fellow colleagues of translation!

Finally, today’s header photo shows what the beginning of spring looks like in Paranavaí, PR, Brazil. The majestic tree sibipuruna, caesalpina peltophoroides, with all its yellow flowers colours both the treetops and the sidewalks. More information can be found in reference # 3 below.

That’s what I learned in school !


1: Infinitesimal

2: International Translation Day

3: Sibipirunas colorem a cidade e anunciam chegada da primavera

*: What did you learn in school today ?