2017-04-21 (Friday)

Today, I learned that:

In Brazil, today is a national holiday, remembering a movement at the end of the 18th century, which eventually resulted in independence from Portugal. The leader of the rebellion was a dentist, named Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, so today is known as “Feriado de Tiradentes”. More about it in reference #1 below. Given the current state of chaos in Brazil, let us hope that another dentist will show up soon, clean the house and fill the holes!

Tomorrow is Earth Day and many activities will occur all over the globe. One such action is by the unified scientific community which will protest about the way facts and science are treated currently. March for Science is planned in 54 different countries, with USA naturally leading the movement. In Sweden, the major university cities will also hold their marches, e.g. if you are in Göteborg (Gothenburg), why not join Stefan Bengtsson, Pam Fredman and many others in your protest. More information can be found in references # 2 and 3 below.

March for Science

Cities where March for Science will take place on 2017-04-22, most probably one near you!

One important ingredient in the protests is to, once more, show how our earth is suffering from the global warming that really is taking place. Among other things, it is threatening to put entire nations under water. One such nation is called Vanuatu. It is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, see reference #4 below. I just received some interesting photos from there, sent to me by my friends Helen and Tomas, who are currently visiting Vanuatu. Just think of not being able to experience a ceremony like that in the following photo of the indigenous population. In a future post, I will show more photos.


A photo from Vanuatu, taken on 2017-04-18 by Helen Rollinson

… That’s what I learned in school !


Do you need to TRANSLATE DOCUMENTS between ENGLISH, BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE, and the SCANDINAVIAN (SWEDISH / DANISH / NORWEGIAN) languages? Contact “Byrån / The Taskforce” here !!!

1: Tiradentes

2: March for Science

3: March for Science Sweden

4: Vanuatu

*: What did you learn in school today ?

2017-04-16 (Sunday)

Today, I learned that:

There are so many things that need be improved in this world. Too many people endure bad conditions to live, to eat, …, in short, to exist!

And although everyone has a name, it is not always officially known and registered. In my post on 2017-04-01, I talked about the Swedish system for registration of its population, which made a quantum leap in 1947, when the civic registration number was introduced.

Here in Brazil, there is no unified system of identification. There is one system for identity cards, exercised in the different states of the union, named RG (Registro Geral, “General Register”), another one by the federal tax authorities, called CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, “Register of Physical Persons”), a third one run by the election authorities, called título de eleitor (“Elector Title”), an important document, since everyone between 18 and 70 years are compelled to vote, and also one for approved vehicle drivers, CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação, “National Registers of Approved Drivers”).

TSE, which is the federal main organ of the election authorities, is worried about the difficulty in identification of the voters, and is therefore trying to re-register all their electors including also biometric identification. This process goes slowly, there are only a handful of all the states which have concluded the re-registration process so far. But last week, the Senate of the Brazilian Parliament approved the creation of a new document of identification, ICN (Identificação Civil Nacional,”National Civic Identification”). It will use the data base of TSE and add to that the other documents I mentioned. The Senate also approved the creation of a new identity card, DIN (Documento de Identificação Nacional, “Document of National Identification”), that would be emitted using the ICN data. However, it is said that the President of the Republic will not sanction the creation of DIN. See also reference #1 below.

But even if TSE eventually manages to conclude their registry, will that guarantee impartial elections? Of course not, who controls that the voting machines used in the elections are not manipulated? Radio Sweden’s program P4 Världen yesterday presented a Dutch white hat hacker, Sijmen Ruwhof, who showed how easy it is was to hack the Dutch totalization process after the most recent parliamentary elections and thus forced a manual recounting of all the votes. See references #2 and 3 below.

Sijmen Ruwhof

Sijmen Ruwhof lecturing on cyber security

By the way, here is a photo which was taken on the Chinese Wall in Juyongguan, 50 km northeast of Beijing, exactly 12 years ago, 2005-04-16.

Chinese Wall

The Chinese Wall north of Beijing, China. Photo taken on 2005-04-16.

… That’s what I learned in school !


Do you need to TRANSLATE DOCUMENTS between ENGLISH, BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE, and the SCANDINAVIAN (SWEDISH / DANISH / NORWEGIAN) languages? Contact “Byrån / The Taskforce” here !!!

1: Senado aprova criação de base de dados nacional para identificação de cidadãos

2: Turkisk choklad, nordkoreanskt påskägg och möte med holländsk hackare

3: AFP: ‘Ditch computers to save democracy: ethical hacker’

*: What did you learn in school today ?

2017-04-01 (lördag)

Idag lärde jag mig, att:

I tisdags rapporterades det om att i det jämtländska Bräcke nyligen hade hänt något som naturligtvis inte får hända. Socialtjänsten där råkade kasta om några siffror i ett personnummer, vilket fick som resultat att ett nyfött barn registrerades att ha fel far. Förutom att de båda “fäderna” naturligtvis blev mycket upprörda så har det resulterat i förseningar av bidragsutbetalningar. Mamman har nu anmält händelsen till Justitieombudsmannen, JO. Se också referens 1 nedan.

För ett drygt år sedan publicerade Barometern en artikel i vilken en man som sedan han kom till Sverige 1997 under hela tiden har levt med ett personnummer som inte motsvarar hans födelsedatum. Eftersom personnumren för den 1 januari 1967, hans riktiga födelsedatum, hade tagit slut så fick han ett personnummer som började med 670202 istället för 670101. Det fungerade fint till dess att hans far dog och han inte lyckades få ut arvet eftersom han inte kunde bevisa vem han var. Se hela historien i referens 2 nedan.

Nej, det rör sig inte om några aprilskämt! Det är bara två av de exempel som visar hur viktigt personnumret är för alla som bor eller uppehåller sig under någon längre tid i Sverige. Den som berättar om detta och mycket mer heter Lars Lindsköld, verksam inom Västra Götalandsregionens koncernkontor där han arbetar med vårdens digitalisering. Tillika är han adjungerad universitetslektor på Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi vid Göteborgs Universitet. I onsdags höll han ett intressant föredrag om personnummer, dess historia, betydelse och framtid. STORT TACK, Lars, för att du delar med dig din kunskap till mina läsare! Se presentationen i referens 3 nedan för en komplett beskrivning.

Framtidens personnummer

Förslag till hur person-, samordnings- och samordningsnumren skulle kunna se ut i framtiden, se mer i referens 3 nedan.

I referens 4 nedan finns ytterligare en viktig resurs, om du måste spärra risken att någon ändrar din adress på ett olovligt sätt, väl värt att notera.

Och om du vill höra Lars Lindsköld berätta i egen hög person, så kan du söka upp SR P4 Göteborgs program i onsdags, referens 5 nedan. Inslaget ingick i Förmiddag i P4 Göteborg med Stefan Livh. Det programmet började kl. 09.32 och efter 2 timmar och 5 minuter, alltså kl. 11.37 börjar det 18 minuter långa inslaget.

Dessutom rekommenderar jag att du konsulterar följande inlägg som jag gjorde 2016 om datumskrivning och personnummer:

2016-01-10, Internationell standard för datumskrivning ISO 8601:2004

2016-02-27, Legimitation

2016-03-05, Tre fel i personnumret

(The post above in Swedish deals with the Swedish civic registration number, which was introduced in 1947, and that since has been expanded also for other similar uses.)

Slutligen, efter det att hela Sverige kunde fira en befolkning på 10 miljoner invånare den 20 januari, var det så dags för Göteborgregionen att kravla sig över 1-miljonsstrecket. Det hände i tisdags, 28 mars 2017. GRATTIS! Se också referens 6 nedan.

Tack för idag, slut för idag!


Do you need to TRANSLATE DOCUMENTS between ENGLISH, BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE, and the SCANDINAVIAN (SWEDISH / DANISH / NORWEGIAN) languages? Contact “Byrån / The Taskforce” here !!!


1: Socialtjänstmiss i Bräcke – barn fick fel far

2: Mstafa Aziz – mannen med fel personnummer

3: Lars Lindskölds föredrag om personnummer 2017-03-29

4: Spärra obehörig adressändring

5: Förmiddag i P4 Göteborg med Stefan Livh, 2017-03-29 kl. 11.37

6: Nu blir Göteborg en miljoooooon

+: What did you learn in school today ?