87’2021 (2021-03-28) – Only in Marss

Today, I learned about:

Also the month of March has been quite interesting with some things that can only happen this month. Here they are:

The first Thursday of March

Although this special day started to be celebrated a decade ago, I only learned about it this month. It is a kind of unofficial local holiday for the Swedish landskap (province) of Småland in the South East of Sweden. I already spent five months of my military training there during the 1970s and so of course I had already notice that the locals have a big difficulty in speaking the combination of r and s in Swedish words. In normal Swedish, this is pronounced as a so called supra dental, where the r and s flow together. However, in Småland, that is not the case, they pronounce it as a sound containing two s’s. A linguistic explanation (in Swedish) can be found in reference # 1 below. It is linguist Jenny Öqvist at Institutet för språk och folkminnen (Institute for Language and Folklore) who has broken the sounds down into minute details. She also took the following photo of a cake served on this special day. It is a popular sponge cake in Sweden, with whipped cream and vanilla in between the layers, with a topping of marzipan, normally known as Princess cake, due to its connection with three Swedish princesses in the 1930s.

A man from Småland named Jonas Svenningson came up with the idea to start celebrating the pronunciation of ˜första torsdagen i mars˜ (meaning the first Thursday of March) in Småland as particularly interesting, because it is ˜fösta tossdan I mass˜. The idea spread like wildfire and now it is celebrated as Småland’s local, ˜national day˜.

A typical cake celebrating the First Thursday of March. Photo by Jenny Öqvist from Institutet för språk och folkminnen.

The first Sunday of March

In my post of 66’2016 (2016-03-06) , I wrote about the traditional Swedish ski competition Vasaloppet, which is held every year on the first Sunday of March. This year, due to the on-going pandemic, only 400 selected top athletes could participate and what a race they made! The excellent weather conditions, well prepared tracks, sunny weather and -6 degrees Celsius resulted in that both the male winner, Tord Asle Gjerdalen from Norway, and the female winner, Lina Korsgren from Sweden, broke the records for the race. More details can be found in reference #2 below.

Sweden’s floral emblem

Each of the landskap (provinces) in Sweden has its own flower, but so far there had not been any national flower for the whole of Sweden. Until now!

Svenska botaniska föreningen (Swedish botanical society) invited the Swedish population to vote for their favorite flower. In the first voting phase were selected ten candidates, which participated in a final round to decide the winner.

And the winner is:

Liten blåklocka, Latin name Campanula rotundifolia! See also reference #3 below for more details.

Sweden’s floral emblem, liten blåklocka (small bluebell). Photo by Leif Engquist

The Öresund bridge

And last, but not least, my sincere thanks to my friend Graziela Gabrielli, who so graciously gave me her permission to publish the beautiful photo she took from the Swedish side on the high summer day of 197’2019 (2019-07-16), showing the bridge that since 2000 connects Sweden and Denmark over the straight of Öresund, thus called Öresundsbron (Öresund bridge).

More about Öresundsbron can be found in reference #4.

That’s what I learned in school today!


1: Fössta tossdan i mass

2: Vasaloppet 2021

3: Campanula rotundifolia

4: Öresundsbron

*: What did you learn in school today ?

2020-12-06 (Saint Nicholas)

Today, I learned about:

This month, the last one of the year in Western time keeping, has got some interesting facts that you may not know of. So, here they are:

Saint Nicholas’ Day

Today, December 6, is known as Saint Nicholas’ Day. It is a tribute to the Greek Christian bishop Nicholas of Myra, known for miracles and giving gifts secretly, who died on 343-12-06, and is now the patron saint of little children, sailors, merchants and students. In Germany, it is a tradition to put a boot outside of own’s house on the evening of December 5, so that Nikolaus (as he is called in Germany) can stuff it with treats. But do not put out both boots, you may seem too greedy!

Saint Nicholas is of course the origin of the name Santa Claus, who comes in person to deliver gifts on Christmas Eve. See also reference #1 below.

Interesting facts from Finland

Exactly three years ago, on 2017-12-06, I wrote about the centennial of independence of Finland. My mother’s family had roots there, so I was accustomed to hear the greeting “Hyvää joulua” (i.e. Merry Christmas) when the time was right, but I had not idea that the whole month in Finnish had a direct linguistic connection.

Whereas many Western languages base there naming of the months on Latin traditions, in Finnish, which belongs to a different group of languages, they have a totally different scheme. In that sense, the month of December is called “joulukuu”, which literally means “Christmas month”. And as you can see from reference #2 below, the other months of the year are also different, basing their names on different events in nature.

That’s what I learned in school today!


1: Why is Nikolaustag celebrated before Christmas in Germany?

2: Finska månader

*: What did you learn in school today ?

2018-06-12 (Dias dos namorados)

Idag lärde jag mig, att:

I Brasilien firar vi idag ‘Dia dos namorados’, i översättning ungefär ”älsklingarnas dag’, alltså den brasilianska varianten av Alla hjärtans dag. I USA och Sverige firas ju denna kommersiella dag den 14 februari, men när affärsmannen João Doria i slutet av 1940-talet föreslog att den skulle införas också i Brasilien, så valde han den 12 juni. Orsaken till det var att imorgon den 13 juni är det Sankt Antonios dag, som är är känd som bröllopsparens skyddshelgon. Kommersen är likadan som i andra länder med hjärtan i olika storlekar, chokladaskar mm. I referenserna nummer 1 och 2 nedan kan du läsa mer om Dia dos namorados (på portugisiska) och Alla hjärtans dag (på svenska) och deras historia.

Apropå det så tänkte jag på några svenska ord i sammanhanget. De äldre uttrycken käraste och käresta är intressanta eftersom de inte bara byter ut den normala sista vokalen e (för män) och a (för kvinnor), utan använder också motsatt vokal i mitten på ordet. Men dessutom kan ju en tjej kalla sin favoritkille för det dubbla min käraste käraste, medan det motsatta bara blir min käraste käresta. På det fältet är kvinnorna före männen!


Den vackra brandgula fjärilen gömmer sig i busken bland dess röda blommor, foto taget 2018-06-07

Och dagen till ära är ovanstående bilds ledfigur en fjäril, i buskens högerkant. Om någon kan tala om för mig dess namn blir jag mycket tacksam.

Jag avslutar dagens inlägg med fyra bilder från Brasilien, två dagar innan fotbolls-VM 2018 inleds:


Även om intresset i allmänhet inte är lika stort som det var vid tidigare fotbollsvärldsmästerskap så försöker affärerna att övertyga konsumenterna med olika kampanjer. Den store stjärnan Neymar Jr (längst till vänster) gör reklam för kaffe och erbjuder de olika tröjor han har använt i sin karriär medan ett varuhus tycker att brasilianarna ska glömma den förödmjukande förlusten mot Tyskland med 7-1 i hemma-VM 2014 och se på VM 2018 med en ny TV-apparat (längst till höger) som inte visat de bilderna. De båda mittbilderna visar intresset att byta bilder på sina idoler, genom användning av både trottoaren framför och utrymmet inne på apoteket. Foton tagna i månadsskiftet april-maj 2018.

(This post is entirely in Swedish, dealing with mainly the Brazilian variant of Valentine’s day, commemorated on June 12.  Also some pictures showing how Brazil is preparing for the World Cup 2018 in football, held in Russia.)

Tack för idag, slut för idag!


1: Dia dos namorados

2: Alla hjärtans dag

+: What did you learn in school today ?